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Friday, January 20, 2012

Create Collaborative Drawings with

My children love to draw.  Young students love to draw.  Believe it or not I have seen Jr. High and High School students who love to draw as part of an assignment.  It is part of human nature for people to want to demonstrate their creative side by drawing.  What is more fun than just creating art? How about creating art with other people?  There are online tools out there in cybersapce that allow you to collaboratively draw and create art together in real time.  A big part of web 2.0 tools and cloud computing is the ability to collaborate and create a piece of work together and then share it with others.

Today I would like to highlight

What is Dabbleboard?
  • An educational tool that allows multiple people to draw at the same time.
What are some benefits and exciting features?
  • Your students don't need a login, just the address to your drawing board.
  • You can embed the drawing, save it, and share it publicly with others.
  • The basic kit is free and the basic kit has many options.
  • If you embed your drawing it is automatically updated to where others can see.
  • Insert documents and images from your computer or the web.
  • Your drawings can be multiple pages.
  • It has shape recognition so that you can draw that perfect circle, square, or triangle.
Ideas for using it in class:
  • Use it as another means of concept mapping.
  • Have your students give instructions on how to perform some skill.
  • Let your students collaborate together as they diagram cells, volcano types, wave types, etc...
What are some disadvantages of the site?
  • In this case it is what it is.  You don't get all of the bells and whistles that you might get when using PhotoShop or some other programs like Paint that you might expect.  But for the K-12 education this could be useful in many projects you might have them working on.
  • There aren't many pre-set shapes for the free version.
  • There isn't more than one font.
Here is a different tutorial using the actual software provided by Dabbleboard.

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